News from the Parish Mar 2020
Easter Lilies
Each Easter we decorate the churches with lilies in memory of loved ones who have died.
If you would like to buy a lily in memory of someone, please let us know.
£4.00 a stem.
Veronica Sandilands 01865 340562
Lent in the Dorchester Team
Across the Dorchester Team there is a full programme for Lent: full details in a leaflet available in all our Churches.
Lent Lunches: Wednesdays in the Wittenhams, Thursdays in Berinsfield and Warborough, Fridays in Dorchester
Lent Groups: Monday evenings in Dorchester, Thursday afternoons in Berinsfield
Compline (Night Prayer): Wednesdays at Drayton St Leonard 8.45pm.
Taize Group: Monday 9th & 23rd March 7.30pm Abbey Guest House
An opportunity to pray using chants and prayers from Taize. This group is for everyone, those who cannot read music through to experienced musicians.
Journey to the Cross and Beyond
The Journey to the Cross is a service of reflection and prayer using images created by the Sisters of Turvey Abbey. The service has its roots in the tradition of the Stations of the Cross and the practice of meditative prayer. Week by week we will reflect on successive stages of Jesus’ final journey and our own experience of death and resurrection in the daily situations of our lives. Dates in the service list on the back of this newsletter.
Team Curate
Our new curate, Catherine Schneider, will be training within the Dorchester Team for approximately the next three years. She lives in Kennington with her husband, Stephen and three young adult children. She trained at Ripon College, Cuddesdon and before that had worked in a variety of roles including as a Debt Coach for Christians Against Poverty and an NHS manager.
Licensing of The Reverend Canon Mark Haworth
The Bishop of Dorchester will License Reverend Canon Mark Haworth in Dorchester Abbey on 31st March 2020 at 7.30pm. He will serve in the Bridge Group of Parishes. Mark had a 15-year career as a Forester before his ordination. He is an active musician and enjoys fellwalking and landscape, architecture, concerts, theatre and film. He has three children and three grandchildren.