From the vicar, March 2020
From Reverend Teresa Stewart-Sykes
March is the month when we celebrate our families and our mothers. Of course, I am thinking of Mothering Sunday, the one special day in the year for children of all ages to spoil their mums! We are thankful for our mums and show them our love with flowers and chocolates, bringing them breakfast in bed, or taking them out for lunch.
On this very special day I think it is also lovely to remember and give thanks for all the women who have nurtured us or influenced the course of our lives. Families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and a mother’s love can be manifested in a variety of different ways. Sometimes the significant women in our lives may be a teacher who has guided and advised us, an elderly neighbour who has befriended us, or a friend who has taken time to be there for us and supported us through a difficult moment.
We could also reflect this month on our role as a ‘mother’ to others. There is a saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and certainly our local community is stronger when we all take responsibility for the young or vulnerable members in our community.
In today’s society of county line gangs, social isolation and mental health concerns we can all have an enormous positive influence on children and young people; and we do not have to be their mother to show them love, to offer guidance, or to tell them they are valued.
Jesus once spoke of himself in the role of a mother, comparing himself to a mother hen who worries about her children and yearns to protect them from harm. In caring for vulnerable people around us, we follow his example.
So, in this month when we remember the importance of our mothers in our lives, let us all show our children and young people a little love. And each of us, whether we are men or women, recognise our role as ‘mothers’ who can make the world a brighter and more hopeful place.