title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall - April 2019

Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall


Jumble Sale

Spring jumble sale will be Saturday the 6th April from 2-4 pm.  Tables can be booked for £6 by emailing Jenny on jenny@datadaysolutions.com or 343459.  We are starting from scratch after clearing away all of the old clothes and most of the unwanted homewares, sending it to a local charity.  So we need your donations!  But most importantly, come along and bag a bargain, have some lovely cake, catch up with your neighbours.  Tea, coffee, and cake will be available for sale.


Easter Bingo

Our eggstordinarily fun Easter Bingo will be Friday the 12th of April.  Doors open at 7:30pm, eyes down at 8.  Lots of fun prizes to be one, including our raffle.  Refreshments will be available to purchase.



Mixed ability ashtanga yoga group meets on Monday evenings.  Do message Jenny if you would like to come along.  Everyone is welcome.  Cost is only £2 a session.



The village hall is available to hire by calling June on 343 371 or stopping by number 28.  June keeps the calendar so all bookings must be made through her to avoid any conflicts.


Looking Ahead…

We hope to have another talk our lovely village soon. 

Our popular vintage tea party will be in late May/early June

The lovely disabled ramp and new doors are complete!  We hope to be able to do the gardening that we all spoke about this summer!


And finally…

The village hall belongs to the people of Nuneham.  In the past we held a larger range of activities but we had a larger committee. What events would you like to see?  Are you able to help out, even if it’s just at one event? Let us know!

If you would like to attend an event and don’t have transport either in the villages or from the Park do get in touch.  We’ll do our best to arrange a lift for you from someone else attending.