title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

News  »  Annual financial statement and internal audit

   Annual financial statement and internal audit    6 June, 2019

The Internal Audit has now been completed.  The audit is not just an examination of the Council’s accounts but looks at all aspects of governance and practice.

In line with the Transparency Code for Smaller Councils, the following documents can be found in the ‘Accounts’ section of the website:

·     End of year accounts; this gives a complete list of all expenditure.

·     Publication of Annual Governance Statement

·     Publication of internal audit

·     Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance and accountability return (This notice is also displayed on council noticeboards).

If there are any questions arising from the various documents; please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk.

Tom James

Parish Clerk


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