Baldons Parish Council News Dec 21
Baldons Parish Council News
20MPH Speed limits
The Oxfordshire County Council have recently agreed to promote 20mph speed limits in villages and are already undertaking pilot schemes in five locations and are planning to role this out over the next 3 years. The proposal is intended to promote safer driving and traffic in villages but requires villagers to support an application. A tool kit has been provided as a guide to doing this.
At the council meeting villagers is attendance were unanimous in support of the council pursuing application and councillors agreed. Stephen Dance is to lead this. It would be helpful to have a wider village view of this proposal so please let Stephen have you views, for or against, via his Parish Council email
Parking and driving on the South side of the Green
Posts have now been installed on a length of the south side of the green from just beyond the cricket outfield to just beyond Durham Leys farm entrance which appear to be having the desired effect of deterring cars and other vehicles from driving regularly over the green. The council has also had discussion with BNCS the pub committee to try and manage better the overflow parking from the pub and the damage to the edges of the green which ensues.
BNCS have proposed to the council that the stretch of green along the outfield mainly used for short term parking be repaired and monitored by them every 6 months, the corner of the green off the road be built up to prevent cars cutting the corner and signage improved. The parish council have supported this plan and agreed to review it in 12-month subject also to the approval of the land agents for Queens College.
Toot Baldon mains drainage
John Maskell updated the council on the progress being made by Thames Water in their plans for installing mains drainage in Toot Baldon. The council is aware of the concern that the SODC drainage system that serves Wilmots is not currently planned to be integrated as part of the Thames water plans and has supported the letter to the Thames Water chief executive and our MP on behalf of residents to press for this to happen.
Budget for 2022
The council held a preliminary discussion on the precept that will be needed in 2022 and agreed to finalize this in January when more information is available.
Planning applications
2 Queens Barn Toot Baldon P21/S4414/HH: An application for a 2 Bay timber garage log store and upstairs storage facility. The parish council is considering its response
Aldworth Cottage Marsh Baldon P21/S3625/HH The council has agreed to support this application for a garden room.
Solar Farm. P20/S4360/FUL An amended application has been submitted by the developer. The amendments deal mainly with landscape and planting plans and related issues as the applicants response to issues raised by consultees and SODC officers. Although the Parish Council will be responding there appears to be insufficient reason for us to change our fundamental objections. Responses are needed by 25th November.
Culham Bypass Oxfordshire County Council have notified us of the major planning application for a Highway scheme to create a new river crossing at Culham to join the A415 and the creation of a Clifton Hampden pass to join the B4015. This proposal has been around for some time and is intended to assist managing increases in traffic flow from Didcot. There are concerns that it will increase the pressure on the Golden Balls roundabout and A4074.
Plans can be seen on OCC planning display pages Ref R3.0138/21. The Parish council will be considering a submission comment. Responses are needed by 11th December.
Platinum Jubilee
There has been a preliminary discussion between the Parish Council and Baldons Events Committee about how we might celebrate HM Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. More on this nearer the time.
Date of next meeting: January 10th 7.30pm Village Hall