title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

News  »  Grenoble Road and Protection of The Green Belt

   Grenoble Road and Protection of The Green Belt    10 December, 2016

Many villagers may think that a large housing development off Grenoble Road has been put on the back burner particularly as SODC have consistently opposed its development. However it is important for villagers to be aware that it hasn’t gone away completely and the fight to stop development in the Green Belt between us and the city may have to be regenerated. In its consultation on strategic sites for housing SODC are supporting  a large development at Chalgrove airfield which is outside the Green Belt but perhaps not unexpectedly this is being opposed by local communities who would prefer to see development on the edges of the city.   Much depends on what SODC put in the final version of their Local Plan and whether it is supported by Planning Inspectors following a formal Enquiry.  It is  believed that a planning application for housing development at the Grenoble road site is in preparation by Savills on behalf of the land owners  and it may come forward next year. The local branch of The Council for Protection of Rural England ( CPRE)  are encouraging parishes on the fringes of the city to get together and think about a coordinated  campaign to  protect the Green Belt and fight any such application   should it arrive.


Date of next meeting: 9th January 2017, Village Hall, 7.30pm 

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